This page is for overseas visitors only.
Koreans (Korean nationals) are requested to use
the Korean pre-registration page.
이 페이지는 외국인 전용 사전등록 페이지 입니다.
한국인(한국 국적자)은
사전등록 페이지(한글)를 활용해 주시기 바랍니다.
Please read the following notes carefully before pre-registration:
- This event is a trade only. Visitors under the age of 18, students, and with strollers are not permitted.
- Pre-registration is limited to one person and requires email verification.
- You can save the waiting times at the registration counter as you complete the pre-registration in advance.
- A confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address. If it is not received, please check your registration via PRE-REGISTRATION CONFIRM page.
- Pre-registration closes at 18:00 on 18 March 2025 (KST).